Thursday, 7 August 2014


In the snaggle of daunting memories,
I was alone.
My face bespoke,
I was helpless and left with no hope.
I was standing at the place,
Where promises were made.
Remembering the picture present in,
My heart's frame.
I just muttered to myself,
How beautiful it is!
When in friendship,
There is no clashes of supremacy,
No place for jealousy.
It is the phase when,
Friends are together,
Sharing deep love,
And reducing tons of pain.
Togetherness of them,
Gives happiness and strength.
Even dull sky seems benevolent,
Scorching sun is soothing,
Darkest night looks the brightest,
Unusual patterns also,appear to be "loving & arranged"

1 comment:

abihshek kumar said...

Nice... Keep Posting